In 2014, when ICMI first investigated contact center workforce optimization (WFO), we defined it as the “many processes and tools that are used for assessment and improvement of the agent and organization” in service of the customer experience. Nearly half of respondents to this study reported that their primary objective was improving customer satisfaction. As the 2010s rolled on, that focus on customer experience in contact centers only intensified.
In 2021, however, there is so much more at stake for contact centers investing in WFO than simply improving the customer experience. WFO is a rising tide that lifts all boats, and strategic investment in WFO can and should have tangible benefits for customers, agents, the contact center, and the company.
So much has changed about customer service since 2014, as well. We were in the early days of multichannel, and artificial intelligence and automation weren’t the driving forces they are today. The words “chatbot” and “virtual” didn’t even appear in the 2014 report.
As the authority on contact center excellence, ICMI now seeks to better understand:
- WFO strategies and maturity
- Investments in WFO
- Agent experience and engagement
- Customer experience priorities, strategies, and initiatives
If you’re a contact center leader, we invite you to participate in our “Trends in Workforce Optimization” survey and share your insights into WFO, agent experience, and the customer experience.
Take the survey today! The first 50 respondents will receive a $20 gift card, and all respondents will be entered to win a Yeti grand prize pack worth $250: one Camino Carry-all tote and four 16-oz. Ramblers.