Whether you’ve only recently become a member of the No Jitter audience or have been with us over the years, we hope that this is a place you come to learn from each other and industry experts, especially in forging your enterprise’s strategy and informing buying decisions for communications and collaboration technology.
Being a trusted source of information for doing so is, indeed, core to our mission as a community site — a mission we carry forward into our
Enterprise Connect live and
digital events. And never has this been more important, with the world gone topsy-turvy over the last year in coping with the global pandemic.
As a member of the No Jitter community, you’ve no doubt been front and center of keeping the lines of communications open and collaborative work flowing at your enterprises, and that likely meant on-the-fly strategic rethinks and hastened technology purchase decisions. Whether in our blogs from leading consultants and analysts, our webinars with vendors at the forefront of communications and collaboration technology trends, or podcasts with myriad thought leaders, we hope we were able to provide guidance as you worked through your decisions.
But knowing whether we’re successfully delivering on our mission is critical to us. Toward that end, we feel an imperative to take the measure of how we’re doing by conducting a reader survey, which we’re
now fielding.
This semi-annual survey provides insight for us in two critical areas: First, how, and how often, you consume content on No Jitter, as well as your primary reasons for doing so; second, we’re looking to find out which types of communications and collaboration solutions you’ve purchased recently, and which ones you’ve slated for purchase in the next year. With this data, we get critical insight into what trends and technologies we need to focus on here at No Jitter and, ultimately, Enterprise Connect.
It’s a virtuous cycle!
And so, we would love if you could take a bit of time — we promise, no more than six or seven minutes — to share your assessment with us. As a thank you, the first 100 respondents who
complete the survey will have the opportunity to receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card from our parent company, Informa Tech.
Please, help us better understand the value you derive from the No Jitter community site and what technologies are of most importance to you.
Click here to begin!