Climate Savers: Leading corporations are partnering with World Wildlife Fund to establish ambitious targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions voluntarily. By 2010, Climate Saver companies will reduce carbon dioxide pollution by over 10 million tons yearly, the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road. By increasing efficiency, Climate Savers companies are saving hundreds of millions of dollars, proving again that protecting the environment makes good business sense.
Energy Star: is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and best practices. Results are already adding up. Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved enough energy in 2006 alone to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 25 million cars - all while saving $14 billion on their utility bills. (Which Is Worse: Running Out of Oil or Bandwidth? confirms this)
The Green Grid: is a global consortium dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in data centers and business computing. In furtherance of its mission, The Green Grid is focused on the following: defining meaningful, user-centric models and metrics; developing standards, measurement methods, processes and new technologies to improve data center performance against the defined metrics; and promoting the adoption of energy efficient standards, processes, measurements and technologies.
Wake on LAN: Wake on LAN is a technology that allows a network professional to remotely power on a computer or to wake it up from sleep mode. By remotely triggering the computer to wake up and perform scheduled maintenance tasks, the technician does not have to physically visit each computer on the network.
Utilize resources at Energy Star and The Green Grid for data center best practices. The guys that predict societal norms stated that conservation and environmental groups would bond to religious and corporate entities, thus it is so. CEOs have their work cut out for them and whether or not most can green their companies remains to be seen.
My buddy Eric mentioned in Always On about the possibility of future wired IP phones have a "power-save" mode" and in Wake Up Packet, I pondered the same thing. Wake On LAN technology maybe what the doctor is prescribing and it will take a concerted effort to deliver this or something effective to put phones to sleep during non-use hours/days. So, it is very possible to power down the devices riding on the networks, wake up them up for patch and change management and put them back to sleep again until a user needs the "service." Another methodology is for IP-PBX manufacturers and software writers to build in the matrix into the IP platforms to auto shutdown non-essential phones during programmed periods and holidays. So excuse the phrase that I'm borrowing from that sarcastic rabbit, but... "WATTS up doc?"