From Freemium to Premium
Depending on their team collaboration app provider, enterprises have a variety of licensing options available to them. Many providers offer freemium versions of their apps, as well as basic/standard pricing and more feature-rich and user-heavy premium editions. Or, if your entry point to team collaboration is via an existing product suite, such as for UC or office productivity, you'll likely find the additional capabilities provided as add-ons, often for no additional charge.
No single type of licensing preferences jumps out at this juncture, as you can see in the charts above. Worth noting, but not surprising, is that freemium use is lowest among our large enterprise respondents. Given the preference our survey shows for use of team collaboration apps from existing UC/UCaaS providers (see slide 5), it follows that an add-on option nudges out other licensing options within companies of all sizes.
As far as dollars spent monthly, about two-thirds of respondents (65%) of all company sizes said they estimate their enterprises are spending up to $24,999, in aggregate, across all users and apps to license, manage, and support team collaboration. Another 11% place the spending upwards of there, to $49,999.