This item from CRN indicates that HP, while not killing the old 3Com VCX voice platform outright, is clearly pushing it out of the spotlight, in favor of communications systems from HP partners Avaya and Microsoft.
The CRN piece says HP is consigning VCX to "maintenance mode," which means they'll continue to support the product; but CRN, which focuses on the channel, reports that, "[HP] partners said 'maintenance mode' effectively means that the product has no viable future as a platform for new accounts."
CRN quotes Michael Banic, vice president, marketing for HP Networking, as saying the Avaya and Microsoft platforms are more functional than VCX:
"VCX is an IP telephony solution [while] the solution offering we have with Microsoft is a much richer UC and collaboration offering," Banic said. "That's why we look at it that way: the feature functionality difference."
The decision appears to have met with a very negative response from HP's voice-oriented solution partners, according to the article--a great in-depth piece that's worth reading in its entirety.
The decision appears to have met with a very negative response from HP's voice-oriented solution partners, according to the article--a great in-depth piece that's worth reading in its entirety.